
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Playing with knives! Muahahahaha!

Happy Halloween!

Yesterday our friends Heatherlyn & Chris invited us over for some pumpkin carving.

I was super giddy being that I haven't carved a pumpkin in at least 10 years. I felt like a kid again! The day was complete with great friends, stabbing pumpkins, mimosas and even a black cat and an orange cat!

And of course -- we saw it as another opportunity to capture some photos. I actually shared the camera with Ty (I'm a bit of a camera hog) and he got some fantastic shots! I think he will be the one teaching me soon!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Holly Would!

Such a fantastic night...

Our friends Tiffany & Jason "The Williams" just purchased their first home -- and it is just absolutely gorgeous! We are so proud of them! Their first housewarming party was also a going way party for our friend Yubi.

This party was a Hollywood theme -- Complete with red carpet, PAPARAZZI & crazy people with sparkling microphones harassing & interviewing the guests. It was hilarious and SO much fun! :)

After the party... we made a pit stop at the usual Dubliner Irish Pub.

This was a fun opportunity to get some more practice shots with people... and at night. Night time lighting is still my greatest weakness! ... But, I'll just keep on practicing! :)

My Shoes. I was Barbie. Hand Glittered, by yours truly. <3

Barbie cheated on Ken tonight... with G.I. Joe :)

Mrs. Waters

Mrs. Shannon

The Octo-Mom

Watch out for Paparazzi! 

Lindsay Lohan.


A guy in a tutu is awesome. Double fisting is even more awesome. 


Lady Gaga.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lesson Learned.

I am a stickler for re-formatting my camera's memory card after each use. (Generally daily) This is possibly an action due to my Obsessive Compulsive nature -- but, from what I've learned in the past, is to always start fresh with a formatted memory card.

Today I learned a valuable lesson...

In the midst of uploading from camera to computer... my computer died.
I plugged in the computer, and continued the upload.

Without double checking that all of my photos had uploaded, I formatted my memory card. (Which means all photos were deleted.) 

I open my photo album on the computer... and half of my photos were missing. Considering that I had a huge practice session today -- it was the last half of my photos that actually came out to my liking. Of course, it was that half that I lost. 
There was one specific photo that I took at least 25 different times... from different angles... different settings... just trying to get the lighting & everything right. I finally figured it out -- but I lost it. :(

From now on, I vow to: 

-- Make sure my computer is fully charged and/or plugged in before I upload photos.

-- Make sure my camera is fully charged before I try to upload photos.

-- Start backing up my photos on an external hard-drive... or somewhere... anywhere -- to guarantee that I will never again lose a photo.

Here's a few that I captured the first half of my practice session at the park... these are my least favorites, but considering that I lost my *favorites* ... these will have to do for now. :/