
About Us

We are a husband & wife team. We work together, and play together! We both share a passion for photography, and I love to see the differences in our individual work. We have two dogs (Kozmo & Mugatu) that we adore, and they are often the subjects of our photography. We currently reside in downtown Phoenix... but hopefully that will change soon!

I was raised in Huntington Beach, California - and of course have a deep love for the Ocean! I moved to Phoenix in 2004, where I luckily met my husband. My life dream is to continue increasing my knowledge of photography, someday make it a full-time career, and move to Hawaii.

My husband Ty is pretty much a Phoenix native. I am still working on dragging him to reside in Hawaii!! He is an incredible man. Fun, loving, free-spirit -- and treats me like a princess. I am continually amazed by his photography, which always reflect his creative eye. In addition to photography, he is an amazing welder & metal artist. In fact, we'll have to get some photographs of his work up on the blog pronto!

This blog was intended to share our photographic journey with you (as well as personal life updates too.) We still have a lot to learn, but it will be an amazing adventure. We plan to also occasionally feature other photography related posts, and other photographers that inspire us! Please follow us, leave comments, and feel free to critique! Constructive criticism is a great tool to learn & do better next time!

Any Questions? Email us at